Exponential Backoff Retry Strategy
It is a technique where an application progressively increases the waiting time between retry attempts after a failed operation
Async Task Queue
An async task queue manages and controls the execution of asynchronous tasks, ensuring they run according to specified concurrency limits and order.
LRU Implementation
Implement a in-memory cache in JS with LRU as cache-eviction policy
Length of a string
What you see is not always what you get!. The length of "👩👩👦👦🌦️🧘🏻♂️" is 21. Let us explore why is it 21 and how to get 3.
Better Error Handling in JavaScript / Typescript
Making errors as first-class citizens in your async function response, inspired by Go. JS Now Try Statement (In Proposal Stage)
Pub Sub Pattern Loose Decoupling
This pattern allows for better modularity and scalability by decoupling the event producers from the event consumers.