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  • Exponential Backoff Retry Strategy


    It is a technique where an application progressively increases the waiting time between retry attempts after a failed operation

  • Async Task Queue


    An async task queue manages and controls the execution of asynchronous tasks, ensuring they run according to specified concurrency limits and order.

  • LRU Implementation


    Implement a in-memory cache in JS with LRU as cache-eviction policy

  • Length of a string


    What you see is not always what you get!. The length of "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦🌦️🧘🏻‍♂️" is 21. Let us explore why is it 21 and how to get 3.

  • Better Error Handling in JavaScript / Typescript


    Making errors as first-class citizens in your async function response, inspired by Go. JS Now Try Statement (In Proposal Stage)

  • Pub Sub Pattern Loose Decoupling


    This pattern allows for better modularity and scalability by decoupling the event producers from the event consumers.